Louis Agassiz Fuertes is one of the most significant artists to paint and illustrate birds and
other animals after Audubon. The Pomarine Jaeger is the largest of the Jaeger birds. They reside in the upper north areas of the North American continent, as well as other areas of the world.
In other parts of the world, jaegers are known as skuas. A remarkable and striking image that will be great as a completed pillow or
framed for a wall, whether alone or in the good company of other Fuertes
images. Measures 10″ x 12″ on 14, 16 or 18 mesh mono deluxe
needlepoint canvas. We suggest the smallest count you can handle to
capture the texture of his head. We are happy to select and add
appropriate silk or merino wool threads to help complete. Available in
two larger sizes. Please indicate your mesh preference in the Notes
section at Checkout. Please contact us if you would like us to add the fibers of your choice.