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Matisse’s Studio Rug or Wall Hanging Needlepoint Kit by Marsha Hammel

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An artist’s studio is an idea as much as a place, a space in which worlds can be created. Matisse created a sensation of joy and beauty with colors, patterns, magic and light, transforming everyday objects and simple figures into a beautiful world that we can briefly visit. Matisse’s studio was filled with light and Marsha Hammel has brilliantly captured the many paintings on the wall, the light and vitality. Art Needlepoint is honored to offer her artist studios, which are sold as limited edition prints, after the initial painting is sold. The same applies to our needlepoint canvases. They are a limited edition and will be a joy to immerse oneself in whilst stitching and long thereafter. Kit includes a 27″ x 36″ on 14, 16, or 18 mesh mono deluxe needlepoint canvas and all the pretty, durable and easy silk threads needed to complete.  Available in alternate sizes.

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Weight 16 oz

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