Elizabeth in a teaching moment for theTree of Life.
Showing how to create one of the stitches for the beautiful Tree of Life
The DuPont Mansion where this all took place as seen from the now back entrance that was the original front entrance.
Original Tree of Life
Shuttling some of the stitchers to class at the museum. Lots of big smiles for so early in the morning!
Shephard and His Flock is a series of canvases adapted from this beautifully embroidered bed panel.
Jill in a teaching moment in her Design Your Own Canvas class.
Sandy in a teaching moment for the Fruit Flowers and Birds II
FIRST stitch! Nancy is happy!
Concentration – learning from the master!
The original Tree of Life prominently displayed in the mansion and a group studying it on our private tour.
Jimmy getting a needed massage!
Part of our private needlework and needlepoint tour.
Part of our private needlework tour in the mansion.
Linda in a teaching moment for Tulips Rosebud and Hyacinth.
Molly and Chris ending Welcome Home canvas after having a full day before reviewing stitches.
A table of smiling stitchers from The Fruit Flowers and Birds II class taught by Sandra Arthur.
Carrie Ray shows off the Tulips Roses andHyacinth.
Americana by Jill Vendiuoli who was inspired by a folk art clock in the Winterthur collection.
Happy Abigail showing off her Ice Cream Cones where she’s learning five new stitches.
Small needlework pieces arranged for our private tour.
A delicious meal to end a long fun filled day.
A little wine.