With her signature style of dots and colors galore, Tina Close brings us a riot of color and shapes with this Happy Butterfly canvas. Great for someone who has a lot of bits of leftover threads, and a good choice if you like to mix stitches on a canvas. We are happy to select and add all the colors of threads if you do not have the right colors at home, and provide some suggestions of how to play with specific areas of the canvas with stitches other than continental or basketweave. Measures 12″ x 16″ to allow for a generous bolster pillow if you do not wish to frame it when completed. Available on 14, 16 or 18 mesh mono deluxe needlepoint canvas. Select the smallest mesh you are comfortable working with and indicate your preference in the note section at checkout. Please contact us if you would like us to add threads to the canvas. Avaialble in alternate sizes, including a small rug size of 24″ x 36.