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Butterfly & Flowers Kit Stitch Series

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Welcome to the wonderful world of learning new stitches – while you stitch with a beautiful thread on a canvas you love.  The Stitch series takes you through many different types of stitches – for curves, for small areas – for straight lines – for backgrounds etc.  Nearly all of the canvases in the series has 8 colors per canvas, and you will learn at least two new stitches for each design in the series. You can build your stitching repertoire by moving through the series. Available for the novice to the more experienced hand.  Butterfly & Flowers is so fun and old worldly yet current. Kit includes a 5″ round canvas and all the easy-to-use beautiful thread needed, as well as a stitch guide.  Available on 14 or 18 mesh mono deluxe needlepoint canvas. Please indicate your mesh preference in the note section at checkout. We will send the 14 count if you do not provide a preference.  Available in alternate sizes.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz